The 6 steps of the relationship
Couple relationships grow, evolve and change depending on certain specific stages, so over time our feelings are different.
If we are aware of these different stages, we can then approach our relations with greater confidence and tranquility when it comes to focusing on each other's differences, as well as resolving conflicts.
People change, learn, grow and mature, and the same goes for relationships.
If we become aware of this, we can then fully enjoy the person with whom we have chosen to share our life. Here are the different stages that make up the relationship:
1. We fall in love
At that moment, we feel all kinds of intense emotions, but also "butterflies in the belly", and we really want to belong to the other.
At that moment, we feel all kinds of intense emotions, but also "butterflies in the belly", and we really want to belong to the other.
Desire and passion, with or without sexual relations ...become the main ingredients of this step, which give rise to intense imagination and creativity allowing you to surprise the other.
During this phase, we give all our attention to the common aspects that we share with the person we love.
The understanding then occupies a special place, so that we can barely perceive the differences that make the two members of the couple two separate and full people.
In order to preserve the magic of the beginnings, generally, one tends to avoid the conflicts, that is why the beginning of a relation is always a special stage where passion invades us and where one discovers the other.
All of this is so nice that we would like this step of the relationship to never end.
2. We know each other
During this stage, we get to know each other better, and therefore we also discover the differences and peculiarities of each ...
During this stage, we get to know each other better, and therefore we also discover the differences and peculiarities of each ...
Each person, unique and singular, begins to show himself as he really is, in his totality and his autonomy.
Each person begins to share their personal experiences. We can not really speak of idealization, but rather of concretization of the relationship.
"Do not forget that the greatest love and greatest achievements also carry the greatest risks."
3. We live together
The couple is established as such, after a phase where everyone has learned to know each other and where a life in common and projects have been considered.
The couple is established as such, after a phase where everyone has learned to know each other and where a life in common and projects have been considered.
One decides to share one's life with the other, as well as to choose a common home.
Sexual activity weakens somewhat because of routine, responsibilities and burdens.
Love is then expressed in a more affective, respectful way, and in the form of support and understanding for a life in common.
Differences in conflict resolution can arise and it will be necessary in this case to negotiate and reach agreements.
4. Everyone asserts himself
When the life of two is already well established and everything has been shared with the other, then arise the individual needs, and the desire to defend them.
When the life of two is already well established and everything has been shared with the other, then arise the individual needs, and the desire to defend them.
This is the time when we plan to do activities separately, respecting the bond and commitment established in the couple.
During this stage, conflicts may arise due to unresolved personal crises.
It is a kind of rediscovery of oneself which takes place after a period during which one has focused on the other and on the relationship of one's relationship with him.
Individual needs resurface, and each member of the couple decides to focus on himself, at least for a while.
5. We evolve
Once arrived at this point, the couple decides to deepen their relation, that becomes more mature and stable.
Once arrived at this point, the couple decides to deepen their relation, that becomes more mature and stable.
It's time to make decisions and carry out joint projects such as starting a family.
It is a stage in which the illusion, the emotion and the enthusiasm to share what the two members of the couple have decided to build together again emerge.
"Love is two souls who see themselves through bodies."
6. We adapt
Life goes on and changes take place; if the couple adapts to them, then it consolidates and matures.
Life goes on and changes take place; if the couple adapts to them, then it consolidates and matures.
For the couple, it is a moment of consolidation or breakup, since the members of the couple question the scale of personal values and sharing.
New interests arise because of changes such as the independence of children, retirement, illness, etc.
It can be a rediscovery step, since the demands, responsibilities, and burdens of life are lower, and you can focus on the couple again to share new projects, as was the case in the past. beginning of the relationship.
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